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Machine Translation Online CAT tool

Translating and editing


The whole document can be automatically filled with matches from your private translation memory or machine translation suggestions.

First choose “Translate all with Translation Memory” to fill exact matches from your translation memory, then “Translate all with Machine Translation” to fill the remaining segments with machine translation.


Translating longer documents can take some time. When pre-translation is done, you can download the translated document or edit the translation, segment by segment.

Pretranslation Pretranslation waiting Pretranslation done

Translating and editing a segment

To translate a text segment:

  1. Click on target cell.
  2. Fill the translation by hand or select suggestion. Press Ctrl+1 on the keyboard to fill the cell with suggestion.
  3. Edit the translation suggestion if needed.
  4. Approve the translation by pressing Ctrl+Enter on the keyboard or the ✔️ icon in the toolbar.
  5. Move to the next segment.

Translation suggestions appear on the right side panel: Select TM suggestion

Formatting tags

Understanding Text Formatting Tags

Text formatting, links, and other tags are represented in the editor as color-coded placeholders. These tags are essential for maintaining correct text formatting in the translation.

Color-coding and numbering help you track the order and pairing of opening and closing tags. It's crucial to include all original tags in your translation to preserve the text's structure.

tags 1 tags 2

Paired tags: These tags work in pairs, such as <b> and </b> for bold text. The opening tag indicates the start of the formatting, while the closing tag marks its end. Single tags: These tags don't require a closing tag. For instance, <br> inserts a line break in HTML.

Insert or reorder tags - To add a missing tag, click on its corresponding icon below the segment. The tag will be inserted at the cursor's position.

To change the position of a tag:

  1. Delete the tag.
  2. Place the cursor in correct text position.
  3. Insert the tag.

insert tags

Tag errors - Any missing or mismatched tags will be indicated beneath the segment. It's essential to maintain tag consistency between the original and translated text.

Segment with tag errors

Moving between segments

To move between segments:

  1. Using the mouse: click on target cell.
  2. Using the keyboard: press Ctrl+Arrow up or Ctrl+Arrown down to move between unapproved segments.

Segment status

The background color and icons at the end of each segment provide translation status and origin:

  1. Manual input or edit: Pencil icon
  2. Machine translation: "MT" label
  3. Translation memory match: Percentage indicator
  4. Approved translation: Green background

Segment status

Filtering translations

To filter translations by original or translated text:

  1. Use the search fields at the top of the translation table.
  2. Enter your search term or phrase in the appropriate field.
  3. Press Enter.
  4. Matching results will be highlighted.

Filter translations