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Machine Translation Online CAT tool

Getting started: Online CAT tool

Translate documents in the CAT tool, working segment by segment: translate a unit of text, approve it, and move on to the next. Alternatively, pre-translate the entire file and then post-edit the translations as needed. Your translations are saved to private translation memory for future suggestions.

Get started in few simple steps:

  1. Create a project by selecting translation languages and uploading your file.
  2. Translate and edit document segment-by-segment.
  3. Or pre-translate the whole file and make your corrections afterwards.
  4. Select suggestions from machine translation engine or translation memory.
  5. Use glossaries to improve translation suggestions.
  6. Approve segments (Ctrl+Enter) to save to your translation memory and mark as "Approved".
  7. Download the translated document.
Supported file formats

You can upload files in the following file formats: .doc, .docx, .docm, .xlsx, .pptx, .odt, .odp, .ods, .sxw, .rtf, .txt, .ttx, .htm, .html, .xhtml, .csv, .json, .srt, .xlf, .xlif, .xliff, .sdlxliff, .sdxlf, .pages, .pdf.

Editor layout

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