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Machine Translation Glossaries

Default glossaries

  • Default glossaries are configured for each MT engine separately and used in translation across the platform (text and document translation, CAT tool, etc).
  • When multiple glossaries are attached to an engine, the term from the top-listed glossary takes precedence. Adjust glossary order using the "Move up" and "Move down" options.
  • To disable a glossary, remove it from the default glossary list.
  • To permanently delete a glossary, delete it from Tilde Term.

How to get there?

From machine translation view:

  1. On Tilde MT, open Machine translation.
  2. In the translation form, select language direction.
  3. Click Manage default glossaries.

Open default glossaries 2

From MT engines view:

  1. On Tilde MT, open MT Engines.
  2. In the list, find the machine translation engine.
  3. Click "...".
  4. In the menu, click Default glossaries.

Open default glossaries 1

Create new glossary

To create a new default glossary:

  1. On Tilde MT, open Default glossaries.
  2. Click New glossary.
  3. In the popup, enter the glossary name and click Create.
  4. On Tilde Term, add your terms and term translations.
  5. The terms will be automatically imported and synchronized every time you make changes on Tilde Term.

Create new 1 Create new 2 Create new 3 Create new 4

Add existing glossary to Default list

To add glossary to default list:

  1. Click Add existing.
  2. In the pop-up, select the glossaries.
  3. Click Add.

Add existing Add existing popup

Reorder glossaries

To reorder default glossaries:

  1. In the list, find the glossary.
  2. Click "...".
  3. Click the Move up or Move down.

Reorder glossaries

Edit glossaries

Terms inside glossaries can be edited on Tilde Term portal.

Open glossary to edit from default glossary view:

  1. On Tilde MT, open MT Engines.
  2. In the list, find the machine translation engine.
  3. Click "...".
  4. In the menu, click Default glossaries.
  5. In the list, find the glossary.
  6. Click "...".
  7. Click Edit.
  8. Make your changes in Tilde Term.

Edit glossaries 1

Open glossary to edit from Machine translation view:

  1. In the translation form, select language direction.
  2. Open Glossary menu.
  3. In the menu, click edit button next to the glossary.

Edit glossaries 2

Remove glossaries

To remove glossaries from default list:

  1. In the list, find the glossary.
  2. Click "...".
  3. In the menu, click Remove.

Remove glossaries

Delete glossaries completely

Refer to: Tilde Term - Delete collection;