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Machine Translation

Translate files

Translate files, images, and scanned PDFs with Tilde MT. The translated files will retain their original format and formatting wherever possible. Note that images within documents will not be translated.

Pdf and image file translations will be downloaded in .docx format (Microsoft Word).

Supported file formats

Tilde MT supports the following file formats: .docx, .doc, .docm, .xlsx, .pptx, .pdf, .odt, .odp, .ods, .txt, .rtf, .pages, .sxw, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .bmp, .sdlxliff, .sdlxlf, .ttx, .tmx, .xlf, .xlif, .xliff, .html, .htm, .json, .xhtml, .xht, .tex, .srt

Translate file

To translate a file:

  1. On Tilde MT, open Machine translation.
  2. Select translation languages from the language menu.
  3. Click Upload or drag files into the upload zone.
  4. Click Translate.
  5. Wait for the translation to complete.
  6. Click Download.

Upload file

Start file translation

Cancel translation

To cancel file translation:

  1. Click the "x" icon at the end of the file row.
  2. or click Cancel to stop all file translation.

Cancel translation