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Website translation

Translating and editing

Manage and refine your website translations:

  • View and edit translations: Access the Tilde Website Translator platform.
  • See translations in action: Once you've translated your webpage using the Website Translator, refresh the Translation Editor table on the platform to view the translated content.

To translate your website:

  1. Open your website.
  2. Select a language from the language menu.
  3. Wait for translation to finish.
  4. If there are any forms or menus on your page, open them to translate.

The translations from the page will appear in the Translation editor. Repeat the steps for each language and page.

Translate example page animation

How to get there?

On Tilde Website Translator platform, find the website integration in the list and click Translation editor.

Open translation editor from websites list

Editor layout

The translations are presented in a table format, displaying the original text on the left and its translation on the right. You can switch between languages using the language selector at the top of the table (1). The table can be filtered by text, page URL, content type, translation type or status (2).

To view the latest translations, click the refresh icon next to the translation count (3).

Editor layout empty view Editor layout

Edit translations

You may find it necessary to edit, refine, or completely replace machine-generated translations with human-crafted alternatives to ensure accuracy, consistency, and cultural appropriateness.

To edit a translation:

  1. In the table of translations, find the translation.
  2. Click on the row.
  3. Edit the translation.
  4. Click Save.

The translation will be updated and marked as "confirmed" in the database.

Retranslate your page

To view the updated translations, please refresh your webpage or select a different language and then switch back to the desired language.

How to edit translations from a specific page?

View translations for a specific page by filtering the table by page URL.

Edit translation

Insert or reorder the HTML tags

Understanding Text Formatting Tags

Text formatting, links, and other tags are represented in the editor as color-coded placeholders. These tags are essential for maintaining correct text formatting in the translation.

Color-coding and numbering help you track the order and pairing of opening and closing tags. It's crucial to include all original tags in your translation to preserve the text's structure.

tags 1 tags 2

Paired tags: These tags work in pairs, such as <b> and </b> for bold text. The opening tag indicates the start of the formatting, while the closing tag marks its end. Single tags: These tags don't require a closing tag. For instance, <br> inserts a line break in HTML.

Insert and reorder tags

To add a missing tag, click on its corresponding icon below the segment. The tag will be inserted at the cursor's position. You can drag and drop tags to reorder them, or delete and reinsert them as needed.

Tag errors

Any missing or mismatched tags will be indicated beneath the segment. It's essential to maintain tag consistency between the original and translated text.

Tag error

Mark translations as Confirmed

By marking translations as "Confirmed", you can filter the table to view only confirmed or unconfirmed entries. This helps identify newly added or unreviewed translations.

To confirm a translation:

  1. In the table of translations, find the translation.
  2. Click the ✔️ check-mark at the end of the row. The translation will be marked as "Confirmed" in the database.

Saving your edits automatically sets the translation status to "Confirmed".


Unconfirmed machine translations are still used in translation. The 'Confirmed' status helps you identify translations that have undergone review.

confirm translation

Filter translations

Filter the translations table to:

  • Find translations or source text with matching words or phrases.
  • See only the translations you have not confirmed.
  • Find translations belonging to a certain page.
  • See only the translations of SEO tags and attributes.

filtered translation table

By translation type (Machine translation or Edited translation)

To filter by translation type:

  1. Above the translations table, open the filter drop-down menu.
  2. Select Machine translation or Edited translation.

By translation status (Confirmed or Unconfirmed)

To filter by translation status:

  1. Above the translations table, open the filter drop-down menu.
  2. Select Unconfirmed or Confirmed.

By content type (Text or SEO)

To see only the SEO meta tag translations:

  1. Above the translations table, open the filter drop-down menu.
  2. Select Text or Meta (SEO).

By text

The text is searched in both original language segments and translations.

To filter the table by source or target text:

  1. In the search field, type the word or phrase.
  2. Press Enter.


The table can be filtered by:

  • full URL of the page, for example:,
  • partial URL, for example: /pages/my-page

To filter the table by URL:

  1. In the search field, type the URL.
  2. Press Enter.

SEO tags and attributes

The Website Translator processes SEO meta tags, including page titles, descriptions, image alt text, ARIA labels, and Facebook and Twitter meta tags, the same way it handles regular text. All translated meta tags are accessible within the Translation Editor.

Translation editor

Use the Content type filter to view only SEO content. Identify SEO translations by the "SEO attribute:..." label displayed below the page URL in the table.

SEO tag filtering SEO tags