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Website translation

Export translations

Export translations as a .csv file for backup purposes or to edit using external tools. Subsequently, import the modified file back into Tilde Website Translator to update your translations.

To export translations:

  1. Open Tilde Website Translator platform.
  2. Find the website in the list and click Translation editor.
  3. Above the translations table, click Export CSV.
  4. Select which languages and translatons (type or status) you want to export.
  5. Click Export.

Export translations CSV Export translations CSV 2

Exported CSV

Exported CSV file contains the following content fields:

source_languagewebsites' original languageString
target languagetranslation languageString
source_textoriginal textString
created_timedate and time the translation was madeDateTime
updated_time (optional)date and time the translation was editedDateTime
is_human_translationis translation editedBoolean
is_acceptedis translation acceptedString
uri_path (optional)URI where the original text is located in your websiteString
metadata_tag (optional)html tagString
is_seo (optional)is translation SEO contentBoolean
attribute (optional)attribute of contentString
referenced_attribute (optional)the referenced attributeString