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Website translation Glossaries

Improve translations with glossaries

Glossaries can help ensure machine translation consistency and accuracy accross your website. Terms and non-translatables can take your website translations from good to great.

Our support team will send you a link to the glossary linked to your Website Translator integration. You will be able to add and manage your terms on Tilde Term platform.

Add terms or non-translatables

What to add:

  • Technical terms: Terms specific to a particular industry or field of expertise.
  • Industry jargon: Specialized language commonly used within a particular industry or profession.
  • Company-specific terminology: Terms unique to a particular company or organization, such as product names or brand terminology.
  • Acronyms and abbreviations: Shortened forms of words or phrases that are frequently used on your website.

Add new term

To add a new term to your MT glossary:

  1. Open your terminology collection on Tilde Term.
  2. Switch to MT glossary tab.
  3. Add your terms.

Add new non-translatable

To add a new non-translatable to your MT glossary:

  1. Open your terminology collection on Tilde Term.
  2. Switch to MT glossary tab.
  3. Add your non-translatable and disable Translate switch.

Read more detailed instructions on Tilde Term > MT glossary

Import terms

If you have existing terms in an .xlsx (Microsoft Excel), .csv or .tsv file you can import them into your glossary. Please, read Tilde Term > Import collection

Update existing translations after adding new terms

Website Translator saves your translations in a database. To ensure that latest terms you added to your glossary are used, the old translations need to be cleared out.

Website Translator

You can delete translations in three ways:

  • Delete all machine translations: This starts fresh with your glossary.
  • Delete translations from a single page: Perfect for updating specific content.
  • Filter the translations by specific term and delete matching segments: Great for fine-tuning specific terms.

Read more detailed instructions on Website Translator > Delete translations

WordPress plugin

You can delete all translations at once, see Wordpress plugin > Delete translations and re-translate all content