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Website translation

Basic setup

This section covers the basic setup. For more advanced customization options, please refer to the Advanced setup.

Follow Advanced setup guide if:
  • You wish to display languages as buttons
  • You wish to hide language selector or translation notice when translating your website
  • You wish to use a custom language selector
  • Your website is already multilingual

To set up Tilde Website Translator, you'll need to access your website's frontend source code to insert the Website Translator widget.

Add new website

To add new website:

  1. Open Tilde Website translator platform.
  2. Click Set up website translator.
  3. Fill the form:
    • Enter the name of your website.
    • Add your website domain.
    • Select your website's original language.
    • Select languages you want your website to be translated into.
  4. Click Create.
  5. Copy the generated integration code and add it to your website.
Adding subdomains

Important: For subdomains, like, and , each needs to be added individually to the configuration.


Add separate website integrations for Test and Production environments to maintain distinct translations.

add new website 1 Create new integration Create new integration2

Try an example

To create and translate a test page:

  1. Copy the example below.
  2. Replace WebsiteTranslator.Options.api.clientId value from the generated code.
  3. Save the file to your web solution.
  4. Open the example page in your web browser.
<html lang="en">
<title>My title</title>
<meta property="og:site_name" content="My site name">
<meta name="description" content="Some site description.">
<div class="website-translator"></div>
<p>This will be translated</p>
<p translate="no">This will not be translated</p>
<p lang='ja'>これを訳して</p>
<p>This text is <b>bold</b></p>
<p>This is an example with a <a href="">link</a></p>
<script src=""></script>
<!-- 👇 Change XXXXXXXXXXX to your Client-ID -->
WebsiteTranslator.Options.api.clientId = "XXXXXXXXXXXX";
WebsiteTranslator.Options.api.url = "";

Translate the example page

Select a language from the menu to translate. The translations will gradually replace the the text you see on the screen.

Translated text segments get stored in a database. This means that translating the same page again will be a lot quicker and you can edit translations.

language selector screenshot

translated example screenshot

View the translations in Translation editor

You can view and edit the translations in the Translation editor.

Open Tilde Website Translator platform, find the website integration and click Translation editor.

Open editor

Translation editor

What's next?

  1. Include the generated code into your website.
  2. Translate a page.
  3. Read about Translation and editing.