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Website translation

Exclude content from translation

Keep some parts untranslated

To prevent content from being translated, mark it as 'untranslatable' by adding the translate="no" attribute to the relevant HTML elements.

 <p translate="no">This will not be translated</p>

Some of my content is in another language

Content in a language other than the source language should be marked with a language attribute. Failure to identify such content as untranslatable or belonging to a different language may result in incorrect translation and content corruption. The Website Translator currently supports translation from a single source language.

  <p lang='ja'>これを訳して</p>

Explicitly mark the content that should be translated

To restrict translation to specific elements, mark those elements with the translate="yes" attribute and enable the WebsiteTranslator.Options.translation.translateOnlyAllowedTags=true configuration option. Any content without the translate="yes" attribute will remain untranslated. For finer control, use the translate="no" attribute to exclude specific child elements from translation.

<html lang="en">
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<div class="website-translator"></div>
<!-- This will be translated because it inherits document language "en"-->
<p>This will be translated</p>
<!-- This will not be translated because it has translate="no" attribute-->
<p translate="no">This will not be translated</p>
<!-- This will not be translated because it has different language from document source language -->
<p lang='ja'>これを訳して</p>
<ul translate="no">
<!-- This will not be translated because it inherits translate="no" attribute-->
<!-- This will be translated because it overrides inherited translate="no" with translate="yes"-->
<li translate="yes">Tea</li>
<!-- This will not be translated because it inherits translate="no" attribute-->
// Configure plugin
// 👇 Change XXXXXXXXXXX to your Client-ID
WebsiteTranslator.Options.api.clientId = "XXXXXXXXXXX";
WebsiteTranslator.Options.api.url = "";
WebsiteTranslator.Options.ui.toolbarPosition = "top";