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Website translation

Delete translations

Delete translations to keep your content up-to-date. This is especially useful when website content changes or new glossary terms are added. You can remove unwanted translations directly within the Translation Editor.

Deleting affects all languages

Note that translations for the selected segments will be deleted in all languages.

Delete translation segment

To delete specific translation segments:

  1. Open the Translation editor.
  2. In the table of translations, find the translation.
  3. Click the checkbox at the start of the row of every translation you want to delete.
  4. Click Delete.

The translations will be deleted from the database and won't appear in the Translation editor table anymore.

batch delete

Delete translations by text

To delete translations containing specific text, phrase or term:

  1. Open the Translation editor.
  2. In the search field, type the word or phrase.
  3. Press Enter.
  4. Click the checkbox at the start of the row of every translation you want to delete. Or select all.
  5. Click Delete.

delete by phrase 1 delete by phrase 2

Delete translations from a specific page

You can delete translations from a specific page by filtering the translations by URL.

To delete all matching translations:

  1. In the search field, enter the full or partial URL(address) of the page.
  2. Press Enter.
  3. Click the checkbox at the start of the row of every translation you want to delete. Or select all.
  4. Click Delete.

delete by URL 1 delete by URL 2

Delete machine translations

To delete machine translations:

  1. Above the translations table, open the filter drop-down menu.
  2. Select Machine translation.
  3. Click the checkbox at the start of the row of every translation you want to delete. Or select all.
  4. Click Delete.
  5. Repeat this step till all translations are cleared. You can change how many translations are displayed in the table at the bottom of the page.

Delete manual or edited translations

To delete manual or edited translations:

  1. Above the translations table, open the filter drop-down menu.
  2. Select Edited translation.
  3. Click the checkbox at the start of the row of every translation you want to delete. Or select all.
  4. Click Delete.
  5. Repeat this step till all translations are cleared. You can change how many translations are displayed in the table at the bottom of the page.

Delete all translations

Select all translations and click Delete, repeat this step till all translations are cleared. You can change how many translations are displayed in the table at the bottom of the page.