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Machine Translation Rephrase translation

Rephrase translation

Rephrase text translations to change the wording or capture the right tone. Select from 3 writing styles: General, Professional, Academic.

To rephrase translation:

  1. On Tilde MT, open Machine translation.
  2. Select translation languages from the language menu.
  3. Translate your text.
  4. Click the ✨ icon at the top corner.
  5. Select Rephrase translation in the menu.
  6. Select the writing style.
  7. Click Rephrase.
  8. Wait for the translation to be rephrased.
  9. Select a different writing style and click Rephrase again to get a different result.

rephrase translation 1 rephrase translation 2 rephrase translation 3

Writing styles

Writing styleFormalityVocabularySentence StructureTone
GeneralUse a low to medium level of formality.Optimal for simple and clear language, avoiding technical jargon.Keep sentences simple to moderately complex.Maintain a friendly and engaging tone.
ProfessionalUse a medium to high level of formality.Utilize industry-specific terminology and jargon where appropriate.Ensure sentences are clear and concise, with some complexity.Maintain a professional, respectful, and straightforward tone.
AcademicUse a high level of formality.Incorporate technical and subject-specific terminology.Utilize complex sentence structures with a focus on clarity and precision.Maintain an objective, analytical, and sometimes impersonal tone.