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Website translation WordPress

Exclude content from translation

Exclude Gettext strings

To exclude content from translation:

  1. In the plugin’s settings, open the Advanced tab.
  2. Find the Exclude strings section.
  3. Under Exclude Gettext Strings, add your Gettext strings

Exclude by CSS selector

  1. Add HTML selectors under Exclude selectors from translation.
  2. At the bottom of the page, click Save Changes.

Exclude content from Automated translation

To exclude content from Automated translation:

  1. In the plugin’s settings, open the Advanced tab.
  2. Find the Exclude strings section.
  3. Under Exclude strings from Automated translation, add the strings (names, technical jargon etc.).
  4. At the bottom of the page, click Save Changes.

Exclude specific pages

To exclude paths from translation:

  1. In the plugin’s settings, open the Advanced tab.
  2. Find the Exclude strings section.
  3. Under Do not translate certain paths, select between “Exclude Paths from Translation” and “Translate Only Certain Paths”.
  4. Add the paths.
  5. At the bottom of the page, click Save Changes.

Skip dynamic content detection

To skip dynamic content detection:

  1. In the plugin’s settings, open the Advanced tab.
  2. Find the Exclude strings section.
  3. Under Exclude from dynamic translation, add the element selectors.
  4. At the bottom of the page, click Save Changes.