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Machine Translation

Machine translation

How accurate is machine translation?

Machine translation accuracy can vary depending on the languages involved, the complexity of the text, and the specific engine used. Generally, translations are getting better, but they can still make mistakes, especially with nuances, idioms, slang and sarcasm.

How can I make it more accurate?

Machine translation results can be improved by using glossaries. Please, see: Glossaries

Is machine translation better than human translation?

Machine translation is not a replacement for human translation. While it can be fast and affordable for simple tasks, human translators are still better for accuracy, fluency, and preserving the intended meaning, especially for critical documents.

Machine translation should always be reviewed and post-edited by a translator for:

  • Important documents (contracts, legal documents)
  • Creative content (marketing materials, literature)
  • Anything where accuracy and nuance are crucial

Are there any limitations to machine translation?

Machine translation has limitations, such as:

  • Difficulty with context and slang
  • Issues with sentence structure and grammar in some languages
  • Potential for bias based on training data