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Machine Translation Online CAT tool

CAT tool

What is a CAT tool?

A CAT tool (Computer Assisted Translation) is software that helps translators translate documents more quickly and efficiently. CAT tools typically segment documents into smaller units, which are then translated and stored in a translation memory (TM). This TM can then be used to automatically translate future documents that contain similar or identical text.

All Tilde MT subscription plans include access to our online CAT tool.

What are the benefits of using a CAT tool?

  • Increased productivity: CAT tools can help translators translate documents up to 50% faster than traditional methods.
  • Improved quality: CAT tools can help to improve the quality of translations by automatically suggesting translations based on previous translations in the TM.
  • Reduced costs: CAT tools can help to reduce the cost of translation by automating many of the tasks involved in the translation process.
  • Greater consistency: CAT tools can help to ensure that translations are consistent with each other and with the source text.

What is translation memory (TM)?

Translation memory (TM) is a specialized database that stores translated segments of text. These segments can be as small as a single word or as large as a paragraph. TM is used to suggest translations for segments that have already been translated in the past.

What is the maximum file size that file translation supports?

CAT tool supports file upload up to 25MB in size.

What file formats are supported?

Online CAT tool supports the following file formats: .doc, .docx, .docm, .xlsx, .pptx, .odt, .odp, .ods, .sxw, .rtf, .txt, .ttx, .htm, .html, .xhtml, .csv, .json, .srt, .xlf, .xlif, .xliff, .sdlxliff, .sdxlf, .pages, .pdf.

What are some tips for using a CAT tool effectively?

Here are a few tips for using a CAT tool effectively:

  • Use pre-translation: First choose “Translate all with Translation Memory” to see if any exact matches are found in the translation memory and then “Translate all with Machine Translation” to fill the rest of the segments with machine translation.
  • Use the translation memory: The more you use your translation memory, the better it will become.
  • Review your translations carefully: Even though CAT tool can help to improve the quality of your translations, it is still important to review your translations carefully before you submit them.