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Website translation Joomla


I don’t see installed languages in plugin settings

To configure the translation languages:

  1. Open the Joomla administrator dashboard.
  2. Open the System page.
  3. Under Install, click Languages.
  4. Choose a language you want to install and click Install.
  5. Open the System page.
  6. Under Manage, click Content Languages.
  7. Publish the language by pressing the ✔️button in status column.

I don’t see the languages in language switcher

For the language to show up in the language switcher:

  1. Install the chosen language through System > Languages > Install Languages.
  2. Enable the site language through System > Content Languages.
  3. Choose a default home page for the language:
  4. (If needed) Create a new main menu.
    1. Add an article to the main menu.
    2. Set it as the home page.

Follow the official Joomla documentation: How to setup a Multilingual Joomla! Site

New article wasn't translated

When creating a new article, ensure the language is set to the source language. Avoid selecting "All" as the language.

Translation quality isn't great

Machine translation is not perfect. Human review and editing are often necessary for high-quality results. Highly technical or specialized content might produce less accurate translations.

Improve the accuracy by using a glossary to add custom terminology or non-translatables.

I'm encountering other issues

Please refer to Reporting issues.