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Website translation Drupal

Configure module

To start using the Tilde Drupal module, you'll need to provide your access key, select the translation engines, and configure the machine translation notice.

How to get there?

Module settings are located under Configuration > Regional and languages > Tilde Website Translator settings.

open module settings

Add access key

To add the access key:

  1. Navigate to Configuration > Regional and languages > Tilde Website Translator settings.
  2. Open the Translation provider tab, enter the access key.
  3. Click Save.

add access key

Select translation engines

To select machine translation engines:

  1. On Translation provider tab under Configuration, select the engines from the dropdowns next to the corresponding languages.
  2. Click Save.

Languages unsupported by the machine translation won't have engine options. However, you can still translate content manually for these languages.

select mt engines

Configure MT notice

To add notice informing users that the content may be machine translated:

  1. Go to Structure > Block layout.
  2. Choose a region that appears on every page, e.g., Header. Note: position of MT notice will not change based on region – MT notice bar will always appear at the top of the page.
  3. Click Place block.
  4. Find a block called “Machine translation notice” and click Place block.
  5. Configure block’s visibility settings – for example, by language. Typically, you would select every language supported by your MT provider, except the source language. That way MT notice will be shown for every language that may be machine-translated.
  6. To manually edit the MT notice text for each language, find and update its translation in User interface translation settings.