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Website translation Drupal

Install module

Contact via email to receive the plugin.

To install the module:

  1. Open the Drupal administrator dashboard.
  2. Open Extend.
  3. On the top of the page, click Add new module.
  4. Click Choose File and upload the .zip archive of the module.
  5. Click Continue.
  6. A success message should be displayed.
  7. Click Install newly added modules.
  8. Find the "Tilde Website Translator" in the list and click the checkbox at the start of the row to enable.
  9. Click Install.

install module 1 install module 2 install module 3 install module 4 install module 5 install module 6

What's next?

  1. Prepare your website before configuring the module.
  2. Configure the Drupal module.
  3. Translate your website.