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Term table

Term table view is used to manage and add terms to the collection.

  1. Filter term table by searching for a term.
  2. Add new term entry.
  3. Term table displays your added terms.

Term rows with draft status terms will have an orange background, with the term in a lighter shade. A comment icon and count indicator will appear at the end of rows containing comments.

Collection layout

Term entry

Add a new term entry

To add a new term entry:

  1. Open Term table view.
  2. Click Add entry.
  3. Select the language and add the term.
  4. Click to add term details. (Optional)
  5. Select term status (Approved/ Draft).
  6. Click Add term to add a synonym or term in another language. (Optional)
  7. Click Edit media to add image and video information. (Optional)
  8. Click Definition to add term definition. (Optional)
Term details include:
  • Free input: context example, usage note, source, notes.
  • Predefined values: grammatical gender, grammatical number, grammatical part of speech, term type, administrative status, approval status, temporal qualifier, register.

Empty term table

Enter your term data into the form:

Add entry

Added term will appear in the table under the form:

Entry added

Add media to a term entry

You can add images and video URLs to a term entry to add context. To add media to term:

  1. Create a new term entry.
  2. Click Edit media in the Add term entry form.
  3. Add an image title.
  4. Add a link to an image that is hosted publicly online. (Upload to Tilde Term is not supported).
  5. Add a video title.
  6. Add a link to a video that is hosted publicly online. (Upload to Tilde Term is not supported).

View term entry details

To view term entry details:

  1. Open the Term table or the MT Glossary view.
  2. Click on a term row (for the MT Glossary, click More at the end of the row).
  3. In the side panel, click View.

Term entry details

Edit an existing term entry

To edit a term entry:

  1. Open Term table or MT Glossary view.
  2. Click on a term row (for MT Glossary, click More at the end of the row).
  3. In the side panel, click Edit.
  4. Add new terms, change languages, or edit term details.
  5. Click Save.

Term entry edit

Delete a term entry

To delete a term entry:

  1. Open Term table or MT Glossary view.
  2. Click on a term row (for MT Glossary click More at the end of the row).
  3. In the side panel, click Edit.
  4. On the bottom, click Delete.

Delete a single term from an entry

To delete a term from a term entry:

  1. Open Term table or MT Glossary view.
  2. Click on a term row (for MT Glossary click More at the end of the row).
  3. In the side panel, click Edit.
  4. Find the term you want to delete.
  5. Click X to remove.
  6. Click Save.

Term states (Approved/Draft)

Terms in the Approved state will appear in the the MT Glossary table. Terms in the Draft state will not. You can set the state when creating a new term entry or change it afterwards.

Approved/Draft states in Add term form:

term states

To change the state of an existing term:

  1. Open the Term table or the MT Glossary view.
  2. Click on a term row (for the MT Glossary click More at the end of the row).
  3. In the side panel, click Edit.
  4. Find the term and change the state by clicking the checkbox in front of it.

Comments (Discussion)

To add a comment:

  1. Open Term table or MT Glossary view.
  2. Click on a term row (for the MT Glossary click More at the end of the row).
  3. In the side panel, click Discussion.
  4. Type your comment and click Post. The term row will be marked with a comment icon and a comment counter.

Term entry edit